
Contoh Overview Kuliah

course overview
PSYC 2040
Social & Organisational Psychology

course overview
semester 1, 2008

Course co-ordinator
Dr. Aarti Iyer
Room : 324 McElwain Bldg
email : a.iyer@uq.edu.au
phone : 3365 6414
consultation hours : Mondays 1-3 pm
Thursdays 3-5 pm
& by appointment

Dr. Matthew Hornsey
Dr. Courtney von Hippel
Dr. Aarti Iyer

Course Structure
1. Lectures
• cover theory and research on various topics
  >> attendance is critical

2. Tutorials

• cover various principles & concepts
  >> lecture and tutorial don’t always overlap
• provide information & guidance for assignments
  >> attendance is critical

Tutorial Allocations
• allocation via sign on (mySI.net)
  >> you must be in one tutorial only
• if you are on a waiting list: you will get an email about your allocation tomorrow
• see me in the break to:
  >> join a waiting list
  >> confirm your place on a waiting list

tutorials start next week (Th & F)
you must be in one by Tuesday

1. general recommended text:
Vaughan, G., & Hogg, M. A. (2008).
Introduction to social psychology
(4th Ed). Sydney: Prentice-Hall

2. journal articles
• required for Assignments 1 and 2
• reading lists provided in tutorials

Questions, Problems, etc
if related to lecture content:
>>  contact specific lecturer

if related to tutorials / assignment:
>> first, contact your tutor
>> then, contact course co-ordinator

if related to course as a whole:
>>  contact course co-ordinator

1. Final Examination (50%)
    >> during Central Exam Period
    >> length = 2 hours
    >> format = 60 multiple choice (30%)
    >> and 4 short essays (20%)
    >> content = lectures only

2. Assignment 1 (15%)
    >> due 7 April @ 3 pm
    >> short review of 2 empirical journal articles

3. Assignment 2 (35%)
    >> due 14 May @ 3 pm
    >> group work: design, collect, and analyse data on social loafing
    >> individual work: write up research report

Assessment Policies
1. Plagiarism and Collusion
• even though you will work in groups during tutorials, the assignments are individual pieces of assessment
• plagiarism (copying) and collusion (working closely on an assignment with someone else) are serious offences and will be punished as such
    >> see course profile for more information

2. assignment extensions

• will rarely be given
• requests for extensions must be made at least 48 hours before due date
• complete an “Application for Extension” form
(available on Blackboard and at Course Centre)
• submit 1 copy to course co-ordinator AND
1 copy to the Course Centre
    >> see course profile for more information

3. Assignment Penalties
if late without extension…
…1 mark deducted for every day past due date

if > 10% over word limit…
…will lose marks equivalent
to % excess

4. Missing the Final Exam
    >> exam date/time is set centrally by
          UQ Examinations section
    >> if you can’t sit the final exam,
          contact UQ Examinations section
    >> course co-ordinator has no
          authority in relation to exams

Assessment Feedback
• tutors will take about 3 weeks (from submission date) to mark your work
• if you feel the mark is not fair…
    >> contact the marker for an explanation
    >> if still unhappy, complete a
“Request for Re-mark” form
(available on Blackboard or in Course Centre)

    >> must be done within 3 weeks of receiving the mark
    >> marks may go up OR down

Course Website
• accessed through Blackboard
• contains…
    >> lecture notes
          (if provided by the lecturer)
    >> important forms
    >> link to PSYC2040 forum/bulletin board

Contacting The Staff
• allow 2 working days for responses to emails
• best to speak in person: schedule an appointment or drop in/phone during consultation hours

• are employed for fixed number of hours
• only required to respond to student emails during consultation hours

Lecture Etiquette
please, please, please:
• arrive on time

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1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

wah bagus nih. bisa dipake buat jadi contoh guide-line kuliah. yah, walaupun ga kuliah di luar tapi ga da salahnya kan mencoba mengatur diri as if i was studying abroad. . . ok thanks ya..